This Season, We’re Thankful for GOATS!

As some of you remember, Christmas of 2015 was a special one: ROWAN surprised community members in Mawanga, Uganda, with 250 goats.

Now, our community is bringing us the offspring of those goats to say “thank you” to ROWAN! Less than three full years later, we have over 200 homeless goats that have been deemed for ROWAN.
Due to this plethora of goats combined with the fact that we recently purchased 13 acres of land, we are elated to be launching what we have named

The Goat Project.

The components of the project are relatively simple: it requires a fenced-in area; food, water, and shelter for the goats; and a staff member to act as goat-keeper and to manage the land. And we’ve already found the man for the job.
Robert is a former ROWAN student who studied agriculture during his years in higher education. He has committed to work as the full-time manager on this project to ensure its success!

The funds generated by this project will go directly to sustaining local incomes for ROWAN staff members.

Our primary purpose in launching The Goat Project is to move toward further sustainability as an organization. We deeply value the work and passion of our local staff members and could not have a fraction of the impact we have without their commitment and consistency. Based on our conservative estimates, the revenue from the Goat Project will more than completely cover staff salaries within the first handful of years.

Follow along with the Goat Project on Instagram or on our Facebook page!

In order to get this project off the ground, our friends at Nibbelink Construction Company graciously granted all that was needed. We are so thankful for them and encourage you to check out their work here: Nibbelink Construction. We cannot overstate our gratitude for their help!

About Micayla Jorgensen information

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