Category: News


Living in the “Both, And”

4 weeks ago one of our special mamas in ROWAN, Anne, passed away. She was a widow, mom, HIV+ community member, and hope-filled believer. She breathed her last at 39 years old as cancer took her life. 3 weeks ago one of our ROWAN staff, Jeremiah, died suddenly in a car

Thank you for loving Anne

Tears can express all forms of emotion. Tonight, the ROWAN team sheds tears as one of our dearest members suddenly passed away. Anne Naroti, 35 years old, died in an emergency surgery. We met Anne 7 years ago when she was struggling with HIV/AIDs and needed support. Her husband had

Am I Enough?

   Do you ever wake up with your first thought being, “I didn’t get enough sleep,” or “I don’t have enough time,” or “I don’t have enough ideas,” or “I don’t have enough money”? Yeah, me too. This month I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly, and one of
Main, ROWAN, Thanks

Trusting His promises for 22 years

  I was never like the other kids growing up. In High School my friends wanted to be teachers, ranchers, dentists, counselors, and I wanted to go serve God in Africa- exciting, right? Well at that time (1994), it sounded absurd. No one, including my family, knew how to encourage
East Africa, Main, News, Uganda

Mining Update- Oct 2023

(photo from Ionic Rare Earth, which got approved to begin plants like this across our villages) As of today, Ionic Rare Earth has received approval of the Surface Rights agreement with the Uganda Government. This agreement must be understood and signed by the land owner. This document, once signed, allows