What We Do:
ROWAN Hope Clinic Now Open in Mawanga
ROWAN opened a rural Hope clinic in June of 2017 which includes a general clinic, maternity ward with ultra sound machine, and soon a laboratory. Every member of ROWAN receives medical care while in the program, and community members pay a small fee for the services.
ROWAN also works closely with the health care facilities in the region, such as Musana Hospital, to improve healthcare in the community, particularly to orphans & widows. ROWAN ensures that all its members receive:
1. Routine medical check-ups.
2. Access to medical care when an emergency arises.
3. Healthcare training & seminars for ROWAN & the larger community.
4. Assistance after a death in the family, including providing caregivers for the children & funeral assistance.
HIV/AIDS Member Care
About 30% of ROWAN members are living with the HIV virus. ROWAN provides access to antiretroviral medication, bi-annual testing of white blood cells, personal counseling & home visits from our loving staff.
Sub-Saharan Africa Facts:
Sub-Saharan Africa is ravaged by HIV & AIDS more than any other region of the world. An estimated 22.4 million people in the region live with HIV. In 2008, approximately 1.4 million people died from AIDS & 1.9 million people became infected with HIV. Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 14 million children have lost one or both parents to AIDS.
Three major challenges:
Providing health care, antiretroviral treatment & support to a growing population of people with HIV-related illnesses. Reducing the annual toll of new HIV infections by enabling individuals to protect themselves & others. Coping with the impact of more than 20 million AIDS deaths on orphans & other survivors, communities & national development.
(UNAIDS 2009 ‘Report on the global AIDS epidemic’)
Uganda Facts:
Although Uganda was seen as a success story after its HIV/AIDS victim population declined from 13% to 4.1% of the population, the facts still are sobering. Only 42% of Ugandans have access to proper sanitation. There are only .92 hospital beds per 1,000 people. On average, a mere. 08 physicians serve 1,000 people. 57.78% of the female population lives with HIV. A total of 884,000 children have been orphaned by AIDS. (Uganda is ranked fifth highest out of 80 countries). See more statistics on Uganda. (April/ June Report)
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