Fight against property grabbing continues.

2015-06-10 13.10.07
Lauren and Ben are back in the village diligently pursuing the work God has called them to do. A big part of the reason they are spending so much time in Mawanga deals with property rights. And they are diving into the property rights program right now.

Property grabbing is a prevalent problem and Lauren has been working with Eddy to solve this issue.

The widows have to face so many challenges and this is one of the worst. Basically, after a man dies, his land is divided up into equal shares for his children. Often there is more than one wife and our widows can live in constant fear of having their home destroyed — while she and her children are in it. Whether it is a threat to push the house over or burn the house, this struggle is very real and something they have to face every day.

For awhile now they have laying a foundation and gathering information.

But now comes the time to make multiple home visits and determine which documents are needed and how to go about obtaining them. The goal is to get the land titled so no one can take it away and it is legally theirs. This is a process and takes organization and time.

Pray with us that we will have success and see these widows live without fear on the land that rightfully belongs to them.

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