We serve a powerful God and He controls the weather. Here in Colorado we enjoy four seasons, sometimes all in one week or even in the span of a day! In Uganda there are two seasons; wet and dry. The wet season is a time of plenty, many crops are grown and produce is abundant. Then comes dry season and it becomes harder to find food for families.
When I was in Mawanga this past June, we experienced the very end of wet season. It rained a few times, but was mostly sunny while we were there. Since Uganda is a more tropical climate, the rainy season is split into two different time periods
The climate in Uganda is controlled by the oscillating effects of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Thus, in keeping with much of tropical Africa, Uganda experiences a wet season and a dry season, its precipitation pattern described as bimodal, the main or long rains arriving March – May, the short rains November – start of December.
(Uganda Climate. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2015, from http://www.journeysbydesign.com/destinations/uganda/when-to-go)
But the weather patterns in Uganda are not predictable at the moment and heavy rains have been destroying crops, ruining houses and causing all sorts of trouble.
Ugandans living near mountains, rivers, lakes and valleys may be in harm’s way, as the East African country braces for massive flooding and landslides. Experts warn that this year’s El Nino weather phenomenon could be one of the most severe yet.
“The El Nino will be established late October, reaching its peak in November and persisting up to February 2016,” UNMA official, James Olum said. Olum warned that there are high possibilities of heavy flooding, landslides, destructive windstorms, lightning, destruction of feeder roads, washing away of small-bridges and culverts, the collapse of buildings and the rotting of root crops.
(Olukya, G. (2015, October 28). Uganda to experience worst El Nino effects next month. Retrieved November 5, 2015, from http://www.theafricareport.com/East-Horn-Africa/uganda-to-experience-worst-el-nino-effects-next-month.html)
We are confident that God will continue to care for His own, and this was never a surprise to Him. However, we covet your prayers as our people will be faced with tough decisions in the weeks and months to come. Pray for wisdom for ROWAN staff to deal with the results of these torrential rains and stormy weather, and stay tuned to see how you can help.