Hello everyone, it’s Liz again!
Since returning from Uganda and spending time in the village of Mawanga I have had many people ask me if my trip was life changing. While I think that God did some amazing things and taught me some deep truths about Himself and His people, I hesitate to use that term. I know that may sound strange, but hear me out. I am a firm believer that any moment in an individual’s life has the potential to be life-changing. Usually these events are unexpected and we discover how we react or respond in the midst of a life crisis or when faced with a tough decision.
But little occurrences can have the same impact in the long term scope of things.
Meeting that person while participating in pursuing a common interest could turn into a lifelong friendship for all you know. Sometimes being delayed or processing the mundane events of life can lead to a greater influence eventually.
So, I think we can do ourselves a disservice when we assume that big events will be life-changing, but ignore the full potential of the little things that happen every single day. You see, each of us are faced with decisions constantly. We are given opportunities to interact, chances to swallow our pride, and wonderful moments when we can see and experience God working in the midst of the muddle.
Rather than use the above term we have been discussing, I choose to describe this trip as defining. I learned that although I had a deep desire to be in Uganda, serving alongside my brothers and sisters there – God can better use me where I am now. Of course I will return and bring others with me to catch the vision and make a difference in their corner of the world. But those who are already there are so much better situated to minister and meet the needs of the surrounding community. I learned so much and know what the struggles are to a certain extent, but my perception is so different because of my culture and upbringing and there would be a bigger learning curve in my case.
What I discovered is that not everyone can go and visit Mawanga, and not everyone can stay and serve there on a long-term basis, but everyone can do something.
And since I had the opportunity of going and staying for a short time, I now have the privilege of sharing stories that were gifted to me. These are precious people, near and dear to my heart and to God’s and I desire that their stories be heard. So that is what I’ll be doing in the coming weeks and months — telling you about the joys and sorrows these people face, and illustrating the hope they have found through ROWAN.
Along the way, I’ll share fun facts and pertinent information that affects ministry in Eastern Africa, but my main goal is to help YOU connect with the people of Mawanga and surrounding villages. Come along and enjoy the ride and I’ll do my best to keep you informed and offer tangible ways to give and serve.
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