These men have ventured lovingly into the void of Uganda’s most vulnerable people

Why do they do it? They have no familial or legal obligation to serve ROWAN’s orphans and widows; they easily could have said, “Not my problem.” They didn’t. They don’t have to stay, but they do.
For these men and others not pictured, being on staff is no regular day job. They have stepped in as loving, surrogate fathers to all of our women and children. They give all they can and love them as if they are their own. They contribute significantly as they foster an environment where our women feel safe, secure, and loved by their brothers in Christ. In addition to their commitment to embody Christ’s love to these widows and orphans, their character and behavior are also establishing a new, honorable standard for the treatment of vulnerable women in their society.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” -James 1:27
We are currently reaching over 30 villages with over 300 widows. If you’re interested in helping us broaden our impact, consider making a donation or joining the sponsorship program!
ROWAN supports widows and orphans with no cut off age until they are able to sustain themselves. We see students finish school and begin their first jobs; we train widows on starting their own businesses, saving their money, and taking care of their families. You get to be a vital part of their journey!