Her first crochet stitch, but not her last.

ROWAN women can do anything.

If you can crochet and want to help make crafts this season, contact us right away. No time to lose.
Contact Us to Crochet
After sweating in their gardens for over 4 hours, the ladies rushed to the ROWAN center because they heard they were going to learn something new. When they arrived, they took out their ragged t.shirt they were required to bring. Yes ladies, we can make something beautiful out of it.
Wendy Young was there to teach the class, and she began by passing out their crochet hooks. Their very own. They began by cutting their t.shirts into a yarn-like ball which felt uncomfortable for some. Soon they began to see what was taking shape- they were creating yarn.

The creative juices began to flow as the ladies learned their first stitch. But not their last.

After an afternoon of learning this new skill, they had only 24 hours to practice before showing Wendy their progress. This is what she found.
They looked up at Wendy in excitement wondering, “Does she like it?” Tears welling up in her eyes, Wendy was humbled by the fact that a single stitch can bring so much joy. Their next question was this: “Wendy, what can we do with this?”
Today the ladies have began making wash cloths, dish towels and doilies to sell locally.
And today, ROWAN USA women are joining hands to crochet crafts to sell this Christmas season in the USA to raise funds for their new skill.
If you can crochet and want to help make crafts this season, contact us right away. No time to lose.
Contact Us to Crochet

About Kelsey information

2 Replies to “Her first crochet stitch, but not her last.”

  1. They learned this new skill so quickly! These are beautiful!
    Hot pads and rag throw rugs and bags, too…Wonderful!
    May He bless the work of your hands, ladies!

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