"We Have Started a Movement"

“We have started a movement:

A movement with all of you people, who have different skills and ideas—all to improve the lives of widows and orphans affected by HIV and AIDS,

so that they may be powerful agents of change in their communities.”

— Pastor Paul


Traveling from the east coast to the west with several stops between, Pastor Paul made the trip to America to share about our biggest need: a building. After serving faithfully under the trees for over a decade, we’ve finally agreed that it is TIME to build a community center!

For those of you who were able to join us for a night of free ice cream and loads of laughter at Little Man Ice Cream, GUESS WHAT? $14,545 came in toward Phase 1: the Foundation! Since that night, our donations have been climbing… We have officially raised $17,145!

That means we only need about $33,000 to finish Phase 1. Despite the temptation to call this number daunting or disheartening, we are determined to do everything we can to get it done…but we can’t do it without you!
To learn more about what the Hall of Hope is all about, take 4 minutes and check out our latest video, filmed by the incredible Kairos Media!

Please prayerfully consider helping us finish Phase 1 of the Hall by September 30—we need you on our team!

To learn more details and to donate, CLICK HERE! 

About Micayla Jorgensen information

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