Mudondo’s Beads

We absolutely adore beads here at ROWAN! Not only do they teach our members important business skills, but also allow for essential artistic expression. Now that we’ve shared so much about how they are made, lets meet the folks that make them. Each one of them has (sometimes a sad) story to tell. Today meet Mudondo, she is from the village of Naitandu.

Woman smiling at the camera

Smiling big for the camera.

Flashback to Mudondo of 2011

Mudondo is a widow who cares for her 10 children alone. Although she was born into the Muslim faith, she has since converted to Christianity. She makes beads to earn & save money for looking after her children. In her free time, Mudondo enjoys making mats with her children or eating her favorite food: cassava & sweet potatoes!

For over a decade, ROWAN (through your donations) has helped a lot of deserving people like Mudondo live a more fulfilled life. Enabling them to grow personally, spiritually & financially. Thanks so much to everyone who has helped to make all of the ROWAN projects possible!

Woman smiling at the camera

Such a pretty smile!

Woman with an infant in her lap

One of her beautiful children.

Close up of woman making pink paper beads

A close up of Mudondo’s work.

Close up of woman making pink paper beads

A close up of Mudondo’s work.

Beaded necklace, white beads on blue ribbon

Mudondo’s handiwork.

Beaded necklace, white beads on blue ribbon

Mudondo’s handiwork.

Enjoy the Show

We will continue to share photographic stories of the amazing people of ROWAN, both past & present. Their strength & smiles should be an inspiration to us all. Please keep them in your prayers & if you want to help, we’d also love for you to get involved. Plus, be sure to check our more beading pics.

About Kelsey information

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