Donate Toward Goat Project
We just received a large donation in honor of a little boy who loved goats, and have put those funds to good use. We have 50 more goats in the villages! Now 300 members and their families have been impacted by these unassuming farm animals. Besides being adorable to look at and funny to watch, these goats have made a big difference for the beneficiaries of ROWAN. We have testimony after testimony from individuals who have a better future because of the goat they received.
Many of you remember, the first round of goats was delivered at the ROWAN Christmas party. Now those goats are reproducing and we have baby goats too! Those who received a goat as a gift were so overwhelmed with thankfulness and pledged to continue the trend of giving. So, what started out as 250 individuals receiving goats, has now grown to impact many more in a matter of months!
Donate Toward Goat Project