Every Orphan a Beloved Child

2015-06-06 03.18.21
ROWAN exists to carry out the Biblical mandate of caring for the widows and orphans found in James 1:27.

By being the hands and feet of Jesus we are able to meet their physical needs, but also go much deeper and show these precious ones that they are valued and valuable.

In a previous post I described the widows and their determination and courage.

Today I want to focus on a different kind of brave.

So many of the children in our program have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS. Some are taken in by immediate or extended family. Others learn to fend for themselves and learn leadership at a young age because they are forced into it. They are dependent on those around them and often have no way to earn a steady income.
But ROWAN comes in and provides them with the chance to attend school and pursue education in order to reach their goals.

We teach these children and adolescents to dream and never to lose hope.

While HIV/AIDS has wiped out almost an entire generation, they are the survivors and they don’t easily give up. They want to be doctors, nurses, lawyers, local law enforcers and more.

They are the future of Uganda — they have the potential to be agents of change in their own country.

We are making a difference in so many lives, but there are more waiting to be part of this program. Will you partner with us to show love to these orphans and help us expand our reach? It may seem small, but to one child it can make an unforgettable impact.
Sponsor today!

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