Thank you for loving Anne

Tears can express all forms of emotion. Tonight, the ROWAN team sheds tears as one of our dearest members suddenly passed away. Anne Naroti, 35 years old, died in an emergency surgery. We met Anne 7 years ago when she was struggling with HIV/AIDs and needed support. Her husband had died from AIDS and left her with 6 children alone. We couldn’t do much, but we did all we could to find her loving sponsors (which there were 2), and invite her into the fold of the Lord’s love and trust. She had a hard time smiling. She was weak. She didn’t have much to live for, but she knew she had to stay strong for her children. 

Thanks to the love of God through ROWAN, she experienced friendship, generosity and empowerment these past 6 years. And as you can see in the picture, she found reason to smile again. 

ROWAN has walked with people through all seasons of life. We’ve celebrated hundred’s of childbirths while also attending the burials of our closest friends. What we have learned is that God’s love is unchanging, and He has called us to the least of these. Everyone is a child of God and is His beloved. 

Pray with us as navigate helping the family place her 6 children. If you would like to sponsor one of them, please contact us here. Details coming soon on how to love her family in this time. 


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