Birthday Reflection

I don’t know about you, but I’m still adjusting to the fact that we are almost through July. Where did the summer go? While we’re at it, where did the last year go? As I turned 42 last week, I took time to reflect on the past year as well as check in with myself and how my heart is doing. Below are the few words I wanted to share with you – those who have committed to serving the Lord through ROWAN.  

You have walked with us on this ROWAN journey, some have even traveled arm in arm with me to Uganda. Some of you I’ve never met, but we are connected to the heartbeat of the women and children. You have trusted ROWAN to maximize every dollar raised, and there are no words to express our gratitude. As you can view in the annual report, the ROWAN board is diligent to make sure every dollar is maximized and multiplied to support our women and children.

All  our children are all in school, and the elementary kids are attending our weekly Saturday program at the Hall of Hope.

Our clinic serves our village community daily.

Our farm is harvesting food that supports our feeding programs, and providing training ground for our widows for their personal homes.

Hope in Jesus continues to be our anthem.

As most of you know, the past 2 years have been extremely challenging concerning mining in our region. In December of 2022, ROWAN raised over $88,000 which provided legal representation, purchased land to build a relocation office, and continues to empower our communities through weekly meetings. The report here shares all that we were able to accomplish last year as well as continue to meet with our lawyers and promote the rights of our precious people.

With all the progress from above, I admit that I’ve struggled with fear and doubt. There are countless nights I’ve laid awake wondering if I should give up.  As ROWAN staff were bullied, threatened and even arrested for standing up for the people’s rights, I thought to myself, “There must be someone else better to handle this crisis. This is too much. I’m not strong enough.”

That thought ever cross your mind?

Moses must have felt the same way when God called him to speak on His behalf. (In Kelsey’s abridged version) Moses reminded God Almighty, “Um, you may have forgotten but…. I have a serious speech impediment. I’m Not your guy!”

Oh the countless times I’ve reminded God, “I’m not your gal!” And you know what I heard? “You’re right. You can’t do this on your own. That’s why you need me, and I’m bringing you others who will walk with ROWAN.”  And that is exactly what He is doing.

So friends, these first 6 months may not have been the most visible, but God is re-working and uniting the staff and boards across the globe to see His vision for our future.  I would say 50% of the work ROWAN is doing is unseen. We may not be building houses, but we are building a foundational bridge of empowerment and vision for our next chapter.

We are taking this crisis and turning it into an opportunity for God to show us the way forward.

In August the USA and Uganda board will meet and seek God’s direction for the next 5 years, and we need your prayers!

Meanwhile, what is our current need? Our kids have outgrown their uniforms! Please join us and support our “Back to School” campaign that will help each child get a new uniform and school supplies that will take them into the next year! $80 will supply uniform, shoes and school supplies! More info coming out next week!

In hope,


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