When things are hard, PRAY.

30 days of prayer prompts introduction

“Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.”

– D.L. Moody

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to spread, people worldwide facing floods, famines, and political unrest, the world can feel very heavy.  But we at ROWAN think there is also a tremendous amount of good in the world, and we are choosing to look for and see hope.  We believe now is the time to gather together and to pray.  To this end, we put together a prayer prompt campaign for September.  Each day this month, we will be sharing a scripture and prayer prompt, and we would love to have you join us in prayer.

Prayer Prompt for forgiveness                  Prayer Prompt for Courage

We have seen the power of prayer in action, and it is a beautiful sight to behold.  Just this week, ROWAN’s co-founder, Kelsey, had a powerful experience with prayer.  During a conversation with Pastor Paul, he shared a need for funds for tires, land titles, and other backend costs for the ROWAN land in Uganda.  These needs totaled up to $2000 (USD).  These items weren’t in the budget, but they were necessary, so Kelsey sent the money to cover them, and then she prayed.  In relating this experience, Kelsey said, “I remember praying out loud and saying, ‘Lord, I just trust you, and I pray that you somehow bring this money in today’.” and then she went about her day.  While running errands, Kelsey ran into a woman she hadn’t seen in a while.  As they were talking, this woman asked Kelsey about ROWAN, and after hearing about some of the struggles our Ugandan members were facing, she said, “I’ll just cut you a check right now.”  This kind and generous woman then wrote a check to ROWAN for the exact amount needed to cover the expenses Kelsey had prayed about that morning.  

What an incredible example of the power of prayer and of the way God provides exactly what is needed!  

Courage Prayer Prompt

We would love to have you join us this month as we pray.  Our prayer prompts are shared daily on ROWAN’s social media stories or, if you prefer to see a week’s worth at a time, we share them weekly via a post on our social media accounts.  We are grateful for all of those who pray with us and know, as Mark Batterson says, “Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do.”

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