Uganda Unite

child in a wheel barrow

ROWAN has been operating in Uganda since 2007.  During that time, Kelsey Hargadine, the co-founder of ROWAN, has encountered many other organizations that work in Uganda but have a US base in Colorado.  In 2015, Kelsey came up with the idea of starting a collaborative organization called Uganda Unite.  The sole purpose of Uganda Unite is to help promote a sense of unity and togetherness across the Colorado organizations that work in Uganda.  There are currently over 20 organizations that participate in Uganda Unite.  While each of these organizations varies in terms of their work in Uganda, they are all united in their goal of trying to be of help to the Ugandan people.  

People laughing   

Uganda Unite holds yearly summits that allow members of these organizations to share the successes and challenges of their work.  In addition, these summits are a way to help encourage and inspire those who attend.  The 2021 Uganda Unite summit is coming up in a few weeks and, after the year the world has faced, the organizers of the summit have worked hard to create a summit filled with hope and encouragement.  The keynote speaker for this year is the always-inspiring, hope-building, best-selling author, Bob Goff. 

Bob Goff

Bob’s messages of love and hope are what we all need more of, and we can’t wait to hear the message he has prepared for the summit.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous effect on the people of Uganda.  The organizations operating in Uganda have faced a year filled with setbacks and roadblocks as they try to help the people there, but they have not given up.  They continue to choose the path of hope and love.  They continue to show, through their actions, the power found in a collective sense of kindness and humanity.

We are looking forward to this year’s summit and the chance that it gives us to learn from and with our fellow Uganda Unite members!

people sitting around a table

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