Challenges and Hope

a woman and her children in Uganda

As 2021 draws to a close, members of our ROWAN community in Uganda have been reflecting on what the last year has looked and felt like to them.  This week, I wanted to share some of their stories with you.  

Namulawa K. shared that one of the hardest things about this past year was her father’s death.  When her father passed away, Namulawa was unable to attend his burial due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions put in place by the Ugandan government.  Being unable to attend her father’s burial service has been a very hard and painful thing for Namulawa and she struggles with it every day.

A mother and her 10 children in Uganda

Beatrice K. told us that the restriction of movement and school closures have been the hardest things for her.  Before the pandemic, Beatrice sold ripe bananas to the schools, but this income source went away when schools shut down.  Beatrice said that her family has struggled with the increased poverty and a lack of food and other basic necessities. “Life,” she says, “has been very hard.”

Two women sitting under a tree in Uganda

Florence Y. shared that for her, the increased levels of poverty and fear and the significant number of deaths have been very hard to deal with this year.  She worries about the children who were sent home due to school closures and fears that they may never return.  

2021 has been a challenging year.  There is no denying that.  But amid the hardships of 2021, there has also been hope.  Namulawa, Beatrice, and Florence all shared that ROWAN has been there for them and their families throughout their hardships. Each of them expressed gratitude for the much-needed safety items, basic necessities, and food supplies that ROWAN provided them with over the last year.  These provisions helped them know they were not forgotten amid their struggles.  

We at ROWAN are so thankful to each of you who have sponsored, donated, and prayed this year.  Your donations, prayers, and love make a difference in the lives of many!

If you are looking for more ways to help spread love and hope this year, our 2021 Christmas Blessing Baskets campaign is now live.  Each Blessing Basket contains 40 pounds of food, educational supplies, basic necessities, and seeds for the families to plant to help them get a more solid footing in 2022.  We have set a goal of earning enough for 400 Blessing Baskets by the 20th of December, and with your help, we can reach this goal!  To learn more or to purchase a Blessing Basket, please click here.  

Christmas 2021 One Act of Hope Campaign

Thank you for standing with ROWAN and the people of Uganda!

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